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When do tours run?We offer two types of tours. A "Twilight Tour", designed to capture families who work during the day, and a "School in Action Tour", these run in the morning and are designed to enable prospective families to see the children in action participating in play-based learning. You can find all the booking details for our tours on our events page.
What is included in my enrolment pack?In your enrolment pack you will receive a letter of offer, an enrolment form and a uniform order.
Do you follow a Curriculum, and if so what is it?Yes all registered schools in Western Australia are required to follow the mandated curriculum. Our Pre-Kindy use the Early Years Learning Framework Our Kindy Classes follow the WA Kindy Curriculum as outlined by SCSA. Our Compulsory aged children follow the Western Australian Curriculum as mandated by SCSA.
What years participate in offsite schooling?The Offsite schooling program is attended by Kindy to Year 3. We also run a number of offsite excursions for our Pre-kindy classes throughout the year.
What does a typical day look like at HSE Pre-Kindy?Classes generally start outside connecting to the Boodja (land) as we have found this settles children and gears them towards learning while allowing time to say goodbye to mum or dad and greet their friends in a safe space. We continue our time outside with an exploration activity and fundamental movement skills. We flow into morning tea, with a literacy focus, and then onto inside learning where we develop our numeracy skills and social interactive skills. During this time there are many things to try and explore. Our rhythm takes us to some music and dance prior to lunch which is eaten outside. Next is our recharge time where we meditate and practise the art of yoga and then back to outdoor adventures, and afternoon tea. We end the day with time for some reflection and resetting before home time.
Do you offer after school care?We do. We offer a Little Scientists after school club. This is open to all ages and available from 2.30pm (end of school day) till 6pm. Pricing can be found on our website.
Does the school follow a religion?The school does not follow a religion. We do however celebrate many different cultures and their traditions.
What special days do you celebrate?Here at HSE, we embrace inclusion as such we choose to celebrate Parent and Carer's Day and Grandparent's Day rather than the traditional Mother's and Father's Days. These take place in Term 2 and 3 respectively. It is a way for us to celebrate families and how they are different and yet still help us in our journey as people. We also celebrate a number of other days such as ANZAC Day, Clean Up Australia Day, National Tree Planting Day, NAIDOC week, Science Week, Book Week, National Simultaneous Reading Day just to list a few!
What do you recycle at Hensman Street?HSE has a sustainability program which includes collecting recyclables for Containers for Change and Terracyle. We invite the community to drop off their recyclables at the school for sorting. We currently accept the following list of products: Containers for Change Hairproduct containers Dishwashing liquid containers Rodan and Fields beauty products Beauty products Bread tags Plastic lids all sizes Batteries Writing instruments Hair sprays (hairspray only)
What language do you teach?In addition to English, HSE also teaches an Australian Aboriginal Language, for our local area this is Noongar.
Will my child get a portfolio?Here at Hensman Street we focus on the process of work rather than the product, as such we have moved away from the traditional portfolio to an online portfolio. This way we are able to take photos of your child/ren involved in the process and explore their language around the experience. Children in Kindy to Year 3 will receive a semester report updating you with their progress in addition to the online portfolio.
Can my child come to school with a runny nose or temperature?As per our Student Health Policy, a child who has a runny nose or temperature is unable to attend school. Even if that snot colour is clear. If your child has an allergy, then they will require an ASCIA action plan confirming their allergy and steps to take to reduce the impact on your child. If your child has a temperature, please keep them at home, as it is likely they are unwell or on their way to be coming unwell. Once your child's temperature returns to normal unassisted by medication please wait 24 hours to return to school. If your child presents with gastro like symptons please keep them home for 24 hours after their last vomit, or 24 hours after their first solid poo. During the COVID -19 pandemic please follow the guidelines set by the Department of Education in conjunction with the Department of Health and our school's Pandemic and Student Health policies.
Will my child get dirty?It is highly likely your child will come home needing a good soak in the bath. We are very active with water/mud play and a whole range of sensory experiences. For this reason we recommend wearing the school uniform and packing a change of clothes. We advise against wearing expensive clothes so as to avoid them getting wet or stained.
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