Our Philosophy
Our Independent Community School is a rich and creative environment where children have the time and space to play, learn and thrive.
At Hensman Street Elementary (HSE) we recognise and acknowledge every child is unique and their journey through education should be reflective of this. Children are intrinsically motivated from birth and at HSE we walk alongside each individual child to explore, develop and support a life-long love of learning.
As educators we use experiences as an avenue for learning, holistic development and wellbeing, and encourage that the experience alone is not the end of that journey. Our flexible programming allows us to follow the child’s lead, using their interests and existing knowledge to help discover, develop, create and share authentic play-based learning experiences. This approach allows us to link these experiences to the curriculum, whilst also keeping sight of the holistic development of each child.
Children are empowered in their journey to learn through play and later inquiry whilst encouraging dispositions such as risk taking, resourcefulness, confidence, emotional resilience and persistence. Children are strong socially active engaged learners who draw inspiration and knowledge from those around them. At HSE we strongly value the link between home and school and work with the wider community to create partnerships encouraging the best start on a child’s educational journey.
Our school is welcoming to the child, parents, family and community members. Family and cultures are embraced allowing children to feel proud of who they are, where they come from and who they want to become.
Our school has a strong connection to the land on which we learn on and from. We have respectful developing relationships with the Wadjuk Peoples of the Noongar Nation, and we are sharing a journey of reconciliation together for the future.
Our holistic approach to learning allows our journey to evolve and inspire creativity. We have embraced Frobel’s Little Scientist House program as a powerful authentic way for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education in the early and primary school years.
For children to truly understand what they are learning, they require time to practice, time to make mistakes and time to explore independently and collaboratively. Only then can the child truly make sense of what they are trying to uncover in their questioning. At HSE we share learning outcomes and journeys through a Floorbook Approach, learning stories, EDUCA, family learning walks, yarning circles and formal Department of Education approved reporting.
Hensmanians are the story-tellers, the citizens and the philosophers that will share and shape their learning today and that of the future.