Hensman Street has recently undergone a name change as you would all be noticing now if you are visiting us again. I know what you are thinking, Americans use Elementary which means we must now have an American focus. Well I am here to tell you, you could not be further from the truth.
The Elementary name was chosen as it aligns with our German roots with the Little Scientist House program. Grundschule as it is know in Germany is the Years 1 to 4 of schooling so for years 5 to 10 years of age roughly. With Frobel (German philosopher) being behind the Little Scientists program as a school we felt it fitting that we followed the German way when renaming our school.
As we expand our offering from pre-kindy and kindy we needed to change our name to accommodate our additional years as we grow so that all children can feel as thought they belong.
German schooling is a little different with their hours, however we embrace their love of learning outdoors and through play based concepts developing a childs own independence towards their own learning.
We welcome anyone to come for a visit and chat to us about our journey.
